Several patch clamp configurations have b een used to study the activity of ionic channels . the resting potential and capa citance as well as resistance of different lens cells were also measured 不仅记录了晶体细胞膜上多种通道活动,还测量了不同种属晶体上皮细胞的静息膜电位和膜电容,以及位于晶体内不同深度的晶体纤维细胞间的缝隙连接电阻。
It is including the structure of neurons , the distribution of ions concentration in or out of the neuron membrane , the electrochemical gradient of ions , the equilibrium potential , the resting potential and action potential of neuron , the ion theory of the transmembrane potential and the hodgkin - huxley ( hh ) equation 包括神经元的结构,神经元细胞膜两边离子浓度的分布,离子的电化学梯度和平衡电位,神经元的静息电位,动作电位,描述神经元膜两边电压变化的离子学说以及hodgkin - huxley方程。
the potential difference between the two sides of the membrane of a nerve cell when the cell is not conducting an impulse
The relatively static membrane potential of quiescent cells is called the resting membrane potential (or resting voltage), as opposed to the specific dynamic electrochemical phenomena called action potential and graded membrane potential.